Lesbian Infield Examples: Push Pull K Close

Don’t be afraid to break off the interaction first.

Don’t be afraid to use the environment to your advantage (a pretty fucking sunset, some flowery shit on a bush, the nice stuff outside) for a k close.

I’m uploading more of my tips and stuff, just been a hectic few weeks.

Online Dating 101: Profile Pics and Stuff

(Hello. Are you really reading this? You must be super bored. 

Welcome to one of my 101 classes. People want me to start putting out more content, well here I am. I’m doing it. I’m giving you all lessons on my shit and how it works. I’ll teach other skills eventually, such as approach and stuff. But I figured I’d start off with common basics, especially for those lesbians out there doing online stuff.)



X Some of yall be acting up. I’ve seen so many weird pictures out there it would even make Ratchetmess cry. If you’re serious about getting the girl of your dreams then you need to act serious. Are you serious? Lemme lend you a hand.

X If you had to watch a porno and you were the star of the show, would you want to fuck like the way you look now? (BE HONEST.) That’s the message you’re trying to get across. Look the part, act the part.

X You don’t have to be the best. You don’t have to be a perfect 10. But when you pimp, you pimp the fuck out. Match them clothes. Do your hair if you have some. Research a style you’d like. Live the part.

X Peeps who wear makeup? Remember- colorful eyes and nude lips OR simple eyes and colorful lips. Choose what you want to draw attention to. And blend till your hand falls the fuck right off.

X Animals help. Who doesn’t like looking at that shit?

I really don’t know what else to say about this topic. Other PUAs have published tons of stuff about this. They know what they are talking about. Look good in your profile pic. Also, healthy eating is a healthy glow.

Dress like an Alpha, Act like a Boss, Fuck like a Player.

Playing with Psychos

Ahhhh, handling psychos.

See, they can be fun to play with but also burn you like a bitch.

This is the story.

This young beautiful woman decided she wanted to skip out on our skype date. She was extremely needy, clingy, and was probably a little desperate. At the time I was kind of sick and tired of shit and wanted to go right to skyping as soon as possible. So she agreed but then decided at the last minute that she didn’t want to.

And by the last minute, I mean she flaked.

So knowing my impatient ass, I wasn’t taking it. Of course, I ignored her. Fuck a dumb bitch- byeeeeeee! Time to talk to another girl. Y’all got that abundance mentality, right?

Then this happened.

IMG_20141117_175055 IMG_20141117_175401 IMG_20141117_175437 IMG_20141117_175504 IMG_20141117_175540 IMG_20141117_175615 IMG_20141117_175647 IMG_20141117_175716 IMG_20141117_175746 IMG_20141117_175833 IMG_20141117_175908 IMG_20141117_180032 IMG_20141117_180102

She had called me and I got to speak with her. She was real, but still crazy.

Tread cautiously.